6 Great Ways To Keep Entertained On a Long Flight
There’s nothing worse than being stuck on a long flight to somewhere far and away and not being prepared for the potential boredom that lies ahead. It can be especially boring if you’re not sitting next to anyone you can talk to. If the excitement of the incredible holiday that awaits you isn’t enough to keep you going, hopefully, this article will help you during your flight.
Here Are Some Ways To Make A Long Flight More Comfortable
- Read a book. Getting stuck into a good book can while away the time better than most things. Pick one that you know you’ll find hard to put down.
- If you don’t want to carry heavy books in your hand luggage, load up your tablet or reader with e-books. That way, you can store as many books as you like at no extra weight.
- Stock up on your favourite magazine. Sometimes you might find reading a book too taxing when you’re tired from travelling. Take a magazine on board too. That way, you can flick through the pages without having to concentrate too hard.

Go Digital
- Watch films on the in-flight entertainment. Most long haul flights will provide you with their own in-flight entertainment. Either from TV screens above the seats or your own personal screen in the back of the seat in front of you.
- On the rare occasion that you can’t find a film that you’d like to watch, take a look through all the TV shows and documentaries available to you. You’ll be surprised at the great choice on offer.
- Alternatively, if in-flight entertainment isn’t provided or there’s nothing to suit your taste, load your tablet or mobile with your favourite shows. Just make sure that you have enough charge on your device. Although you can now recharge your electronics onboard many flights these days.

Get Creative
- If there’s no in-flight Wi-Fi to distract you, you have the potential to be at your most creative whilst on a plane. So why not write a diary or a blog post about your journey?
- You could always write a short story based on the destination that you are travelling to as well.
- Drawing can be a great way to pass the time and get your creative juices flowing. Even if it’s just doodling on your napkin after finishing your in-flight meal.
- Pick up a colouring book and colours at the airport. You might think that colouring in is just for kids, but it can actually be quite relaxing and therapeutic, not to mention fun!
Be Productive
- Download podcasts or read travel guides for the place you are travelling to and brush up on your knowledge of the area.
- Ask the flight attendants where their favourite place to eat and visit in the destination is. They will be more than happy to share their expertise with you.
- If you are on a business trip, use the flight as time to catch up on your work. You’ll find that you can be more productive as there are fewer distractions around you than in the office.
- If you are returning home from your holiday, a long flight is a great opportunity to start editing all the hundreds of photos that you’ve taken on your digital camera. It can be great to look back at all the memories you’ve created, but also to delete any duplicates or the ones where the flash didn’t work – saving you a job when it comes to uploading them to Facebook!
Play Games
- Download some new games onto your tablet or mobile before your flight.
- The in-flight entertainment normally has a section for games too, so check out what’s on there. Tetris is a firm favourite of mine when killing time on a long journey.
- Take a Sudoku book or any other puzzle book on board with you. Give your eyes a rest from all the screens around you, but keep your brain switched on.
- Pick shapes out of the clouds or count the tiny snowflakes on your window. This can be a great way to help you relax. Counting snowflakes beats counting sheep!

Look After Yourself
- Try and get some sleep if it’s not going to cause jet lag. Sleeping is a great way to pass the time, but only if it will work in your favour once you get to your destination. If you’re not sure whether it’s a good idea to catch some shut-eye on your flight.
- Take a walk around. Not only will this kill some time, but it’s important to stretch your legs and keep moving on a long flight. Take a walk to the toilets and then up and down the aisles if it’s easy to do so.
- Recycled plane air can be very dehydrating for your skin, making you look more tired than you already are. Pack a little comfort kit in your hand luggage, containing a face cloth, a toothbrush, and a small toothpaste and deodorant. Shortly before the plane begins its descent, head to the toilet and freshen up so that you feel refreshed and ready for your holiday to begin as soon as you step off the plane.