Rude Things To Avoid In Paris
Paris is a beautiful city to visit, but there are certain things that locals will consider rude. That is why you should know what to never do while you have a pleasant visit. Follow the rules, and you will not fall into any faux pas that may suggest you are tactless to Parisians.
Here Are Some Rude Things Not To Do In Paris:
Buying Tickets For Shows and Attractions On The Day of the Event
By all means, do not purchase tickets to a show or an attraction on the day of the event. This will spare you so much trouble. So to save time and avoid long queues in the city, ensure you get your tickets in advance online. The Notre Dame towers offer astonishing views, but the lines are long and boring.
What is a delightfully, however, is that online, travelers can know how long the line be before they decide to visit or not. Alternatively, they can miss the line and download apps to keep you posted.
Taking the Stairs at Abbesses Métro Station
Please do not take the stirs at Abbesses Métro Station. Many people hop on and off at the station after they have been on tour of Montmartre’s major filming locations for ‘Amélie’. For some, waiting for the lift is the way to go, but it taking the stairs is tempting.
But a whopping 118 feet (36 m) and around 200 tiring steps make Abbesses the tallest station in the city’s Métro system. The elevator is worth the wait, however.
Taking Pictures in the City’s Popular Shakespeare and Company Bookstore
Rich in literary history and the perfect spot for a ‘me time’, this fascinating bookstore is a common feature in bucket lists. The ambiance is cozy in the bookstore, offering benches with soft-seating and armchairs for readers.
But rules apply here. Pictures are not allowed, and flouting this instruction will draw the ire of the staff. They do not allow stroking the resident cat that strolls around, but as you might have guessed, they get more worked up by the picture instruction.
Boarding a Transport Without a Valid Ticket
In some cities of the world, most central stations have a system that makes it difficult to leave without a valid ticket. But people need the tickets alone to get in because in Paris exits automatically opens. Some are tempted to skip the ticket purchase, but they risk getting caught and fined.
Assuming Everyone Speaks English Just Because You Are In Paris
Paris is the capital of France and one of the most multi-cultural areas in the country, and there are many people who speak English- granted. Nevertheless, that should not give you the license to hurl English at people when you are interacting with them for the first time. There are Parisians who are tired of tourists who do not bother to learn the simplest of French words.
Expecting The Métro To Get You To Your Destination On Time
With the fine prowess to beat the traffic that buses, Paris’ Metro system is part of the most convenient ways to move around the capital. But the Métro line determines that. Riders that use the modern, automated sliding-door metros are hot likely to encounter the hold up like that older Métro trains face.
Paying With Large Banknotes in the Boulangerie
In Paris alone, there are hundreds of boulangeries, and having sizzling pain-au-chocolat or croissant in a morning, looking over the Eiffel Tower, or having a glass of orange juice is among the best part of trips here. However, with the relatively small prices of their produce, boulangeries do not fancy having to break huge banknotes. Pay with change if you can, and if not, you can tell them you have a big not before placing the order. If there is a change, they take the order. Otherwise, you leave, and no one is embarrassed.
Trusting Taxis Late At Night In The City
It is common to spend an hour before finding a taxi because, unlike places like London and New York, night owls cannot rely on waving down a passing taxi in Paris. It is difficult here because the taxi stand system is very unreliable, even during the day. But, ride-hailing services like Uber, AlloCab, and LeCab are great alternatives to reach where you are going on time.
Underestimating The Cheek-kissing Tradition
For visitors who have been invited to a French soiree, be prepared to cheek kiss everyone. In contrast to what few might expect, kissing total strangers on the cheek and not just family members and friends is the custom. Even if there are three dozens of guests, those who miss it will come across to be rude.
Asking For The Steak to Be Well-Done in Chic Restaurants
Cuisine in this part of the world tends to cook meat more light than visitors might be used to, so it is sometimes seen to be rude to request for a well-done steak. The meat’s flavor is said to be scorched away when overcooked, spoiling the show.
Forgetting your French Politeness
Since the city is bubbling with visitors, it is not difficult to annoy the crowds. Therefore, do not forget to use manners when relating to vendors, wait staff, or even when just meeting people in the metro. With respect, greet others with a few phrases like bonjour (hello), pardon (sorry), merci (thank you), au revoir (goodbye), and avoid been called the impolite and brash tourist.
Crossing Police Barricades
This may be glaring, but crossing police barricades should be avoided. Likewise, stay away from protests and demonstrations as the city is prone to such events anytime. Visitors have been said to be victims just from bring in the wrong place.
Letting a Bad Experience Ruin the Entire Trip
Pickpockets and other scams are almost everywhere in Paris. If you get duped, the fun should not die. The city can be disappointing at times, but if you pay more attention to the positive experiences in Paris, you will see how it is more profound than the negatives.
Being a Slave to a Bucket List
Do not let the bucket list alone dictate how you spend your time in Paris. Tourists tend to miss the little pleasures when they come up with rigid plans. More than the Mona Lisa, there is more to the Louvre Museum. In fact, there other breathtaking towers close to the Eiffel Tower. You cannot really feel the spirit of the town until you are flexible with your plans.
Having Only Croissants
You might be short-changing yourself only if you feed mostly on croissants. French pastries are great, but the options are too wide to try them alone. Visit the nice restaurants across the city and savor the very best of treats.
Rude Things To Avoid In Paris – Summary
When in Paris, you have to be a tad spontaneous, sometimes! And the difference between a discreet and tactless traveler is that one acts on information. Parisians are friendly people, but perceived rudeness to them can make them feel uncomfortable. Following our advice, you will enjoy the city and have a memorable vacation.