Tips For The Hot Summer Days In Paris
Spring in Paris seemed endless this year, stretching far into June and even July, filling our summer days with grey clouds and rain. But Summer has finally arrived with a vengeance, sending Parisians running to the shade or nearest ice cream stand in search of a reprieve from the scorching yellow sun. As temperatures reach the highest of the year, here are a few helpful tips on keeping youself cool and refreshed in Paris.
Here Are Some Tips To Stay Cool On A Hot Summer Day In Paris
Two Scoops of Gelato
There is nothing better than melty scoops of velvety gelato enjoyed on a hot summer day. Many of the chocolaterie throughout Paris transform their storefronts into miniature ice cream stands adding even more choices. With so much to choose from, why not go for the best? Favorites include La Maison de Chocolat and Grom’s. While in the Marais, check out Pozzetto and you can find Amorino, a favorite amid locals and tourists, throughout the capital. Also, check out Paris’ new ice cream truck Glaces Glazed which can be found parked along the Canal St Martin.
Escape the Heat Artfully Inside a Paris Museum
Of course, there is the Louvre but with long lines outdoors I would recommend visiting one of Paris’ smaller museums such as the Petit Palais, the Musée de Montmartre or the charming Jacquemart-André museum. Visiting a museum with a restaurant or café can prolong the visit and keep you out of the heat for much longer while still enjoying the sites and culture of Paris.
Chilled Champagne
Yesterday to escape the heat, I took my visiting family for an afternoon tea at La Bauhinia, a glamourous restaurant at the Shangri La. Of course, when I say tea I really mean glasses of chilled rosé champagne and the most decadent pastries Paris has to offer. On hot days like today, skipping the outdoor café for the cool interiors of an air-conditioned restaurant provides yet another way to experience le Joie de Paris.
In the Shade of the Eiffel Tower
Escape the heatwave this afternoon while sitting in the shade of the Eiffel Tower either on the lush green grass or a comfortable bench beneath the shade trees. If looking for another well-shaded garden to spend an afternoon lounging on the green, the Luxembourg gardens have many areas for picnic blankets as does Parc Montsouris.
Paris Plage
For those wanting to head to the beach on a day like today, head down to the Seine to take advantage of the annual Paris Plage. In addition to white sand, there are many water games for children, ice cream stands for cooling down and plenty of lounge chairs, beach umbrellas, and even hammocks. Just bring a towel and your swimsuit!
And why not play in the Fountains?
After tea, we crossed the Seine to enjoy the Eiffel Tower, joining others looking to cool off in the beaming sun over Paris. Admiring the rainbow that formed over the fountains of Tracadoro, we noticed many who had jumped into its cool waters splashing beneath the famous 1889 monument. What better way to celebrate Summer in Paris?