How to Avoid the Coronavirus When Travelling to France
The coronavirus has taken the world by storm, and there is widespread panic as well as massive health concerns regarding the spreading of this disease. The coronavirus basically comes from the family of viruses that are known to lead to illnesses like the common cold, flu, middle east respiratory syndrome, and severe acute respiratory syndrome. One of the new viruses that were recently discovered is the coronavirus2 (SARS – COV-2), and the disease caused by this virus is known as COVID-19.
There have been numerous cases of COVID-19 that have been reported from across the world, and the number of those diagnosed with this disease is only increasing on a daily basis. One of the reasons for the huge concerns amongst the medical professionals is the fact that the COVID-19 spreads conveniently from people to people, and a lot of the general public are unaware of the necessary steps that must be taken to avoid the spread of the disease. Education, awareness, and early detection are key in effectively fighting the spread of this disease. Hygiene is one of the most important factors that is essential in countering the coronavirus.
Owing to the spread of the disease in multiple countries and continents the various health bodies and organizations such as World health organization (WHO) as well as the US center for disease control and prevention (CDC) are closely monitoring and keeping a watch on the situation and also at the same time are providing rolling updates to keep up with the surmounting challenges posed by the coronavirus.
Symptoms of The Coronavirus
The symptoms of the coronavirus are fairly regular and similar to the symptoms when you have the flu. The coronavirus symptoms include coughing, respiratory issues, difficulty in breathing, headache, and high temperature. If you feel or experience any of these symptoms, then you must get yourself checked immediately in the relevant health care departments.
How to Avoid The Coronavirus When Flying to Paris or France
The movement of people from the disease affected regions and countries has also contributed massively to the spread of the coronavirus. Thus it is advisable that you must avoid flying until the situation is under control, and the disease has been tackled substantially. However, if it is absolutely necessary that you have to fly somewhere, then it is important that you must take the necessary steps and follow specific precautions to avoid contracting the coronavirus. Let us have a look at some of the precautions and things that you must do to avoid coronavirus when you are flying.

One of the main reasons why the situation is pretty complicated is because the travelers or fliers tend to show almost no symptoms or very little symptoms, and they might potentially be carrying the coronavirus and traveling the world. So most of the people are really caught unawares by the whole thing, which is not helpful when you are trying to contain the spread of the disease. However, there are certain things and precautions that can be taken, which will help in effectively countering and combating the onslaught of the disease.
According to one of the leading doctors in NYU Langone health, getting yourself vaccinated before flying will help you and your body in defending against the attack of the coronavirus. A simple flu shot might suffice and help you build necessary immunity against the impact of coronavirus.
Washing your hands with water and soap is a great way of ensuring that the virus doesn’t affect you, and this simple hygiene routine will help in keeping away the coronavirus. You must wash your hands regularly, especially if you are in a public space where you are exposed to different people, and you must also avoid touching your face as well as eyes. This helps in keeping away the germs. Alternatively, you can also use a hand sanitizer that is able to meet TSA’s liquid requirement, and these sanitizers are easily available for purchase across the counter.
Another thing that you must follow is to bring a disinfectant wipe with you so that you can clean your own seat before you take your place. As a protocol, the airplane is cleaned thoroughly, but there might be occasions where there’s a flight delay, and due to immense pressure on the staff, the seats are not cleaned properly. So it is better that you have a disinfectant wipe with you so that you can clean your seat before you take off. The seating arrangement that includes tray table, seat cover, headrest, seatback pocket, armrest, overhead air vent, seatback screen, window shade, and in-flight entertainment screen are all susceptible to germs and potential coronavirus infection, and thus you must clean all these components comprehensively.

Another important precaution is to avoid sitting next to people who are ill or potentially carrying the virus. For instance, if you find people coughing or suffering from other similar symptoms, then you must consider changing your seat if there is a spare seat available. As a general rule, you must take a seat that doesn’t have any passengers on. These are some of the considerations that you can give attention to at the time of booking your flight tickets.
The airplane bathrooms are amongst the most frequently visited places on the flight, and as far as possible, you must avoid using those for your safety and prevention. Everything regarding the bathrooms from the doorknobs to the flush handles are potential carriers of germs and viruses; thus, it is best to avoid it altogether if you can manage it. Use the bathrooms only in an emergency situation, and when you do use it, make sure that you sanitize your hands properly by using water and soap adequately.
The N95 mask is another important shield against the different viruses, such as the coronavirus and similar other germs. The N95 masks provide the highest level of protection currently against most of the pathogens. However, these masks should be worn at all times because these masks are usually limited, and they must be reserved for someone in an emergency or someone in a healthcare unit. These masks are usually recommended for those who have the virus or if you have symptoms of respiratory illness. The plain surgical masks can also be effective against coronavirus sine; it is spread mostly through droplets.
Remaining sufficiently hydrated is another important step in your fight against the coronavirus. Drinking ample water instead of caffeine or alcoholic beverages will ensure that you remain hydrated and which in turn helps in building the necessary immunity that is crucial in the fight against the virus. Besides this, you must also relax and don’t overstress regarding potentially getting affected by the coronavirus. Stress and anxiety are known to affect the immune system, and thus it is important to relax.
Things to do in Paris and France to Avoid the Coronavirus
Like any other continent in the world, Europe is also witnessing an increasing number of confirmed coronavirus cases. So if you are traveling to France, then it is important that you must follow all preventive measures so that you can avoid getting infected by the coronavirus. So far, France has experienced two waves of the coronavirus leading to a total of 949 confirmed cases. Amongst these 949 people, most were able to make complete recovery while the 16 people died as of March 8th, 2020.
The coronavirus affects the elderly, the ill, and those with weak immunity system the most. If you fall under any of that category, then you need to be well prepared in case you display any symptoms of the coronavirus and get yourself tested as soon as possible. The cases of coronavirus in France have led to various preventive measures from the government, and there is an increased focus on countering the disease. As an individual, if you are visiting France or are presently in the country, then some of the steps that you must take are as follows.

First and foremost, you must always wash your hands thoroughly, especially when you’ve been outside in a public place. Use soap and water after you have sneezed or coughed so that proper hygiene can be maintained, and any potential of COVID-19 virus being spread is eliminated. When you are in a public place such as the metro, then you must take particular care of cleaning your hands and face as these places are exposed to the mass public and have the potential of being the carriers of the COVID-19 virus.
You must also avoid touching your nose, mouth, and eyes when you have touched other places. Cover your mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing to avoid spreading the different germs or bacteria. You can use disposable tissue for cleaning and throw them away once you are done with the cleaning. Also, you must make sure that you clean off the surfaces with the help of chlorine concentrated disinfectants so that you can get rid of the bacteria and harmful germs. You must also avoid shaking hands with other people as a precautionary measure against the coronavirus.
Last but not least, avoid overly crowded spaces like the metro, the Louvre, and entering many attractions that Paris is famous for. Make sure to keep calm and enjoy your vacation in Paris or France without being paranoid about the disease. Just take every precaution you can take because you can still have a good time.