Paris Safety Tips: Advice and Warnings for Tourists
Traveling to a place like Paris, every tourist should know how they can avoid annoying events during their trip. Occupying 105 square kilometers, the city is undoubtedly one of the major European cities and is a global center for art, gastronomy, culture, and especially fashion.
Although everyone has a beautiful, dreamy image of Paris in their mind. People often tend to be shocked when they arrive and get to know about the crime, pickpocketing, thefts, street harassment, and constant targeting by con artists.
Paris is one of the best cities to travel to; however, you should know about the dark side of the city so you can stay safe, as tourists can be easy targets.
If you ask about the rates of violent crime rates, they are comparatively low here, and that is the biggest relief. Not that you are not going to experience anything traumatizing and life-threatening per se, but some crimes like pickpocketing, are very common.
So if you are traveling to any big, crowded, and loud city, like Paris, these basic safety tips can go a long way in making sure that you avoid dangerous and unpleasant experiences.
Some travelers select guided tours, while some choose to make travel arrangements without any help. There are times, however, when traveling with a tour group might be the safer option.
First, you should know the details of the crimes that often occur, especially on streets mostly frequented by tourists.
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Lets Take A Look At Some Common Safety Concerns and Safety Tips For Paris
First, you can’t say or claim that pickpocketing only happens in Paris. Obviously, all the big cities where tourists are headed has got to be populated with petty people like these. Nobody would expect to get looted in a lively city like Paris. Pickpocketing is an old common problem in Paris, and it can ruin your day or even your tour. But there are some simple things you can do to make it less likely to happen as a visitor.
You should know the techniques and methods that petty thieves deploy. This is because they are experienced to the point that you will not notice you had been robbed. These Pickpockets and petty thieves mostly prey on confused and unsuspecting tourists, who are not aware of the country’s rituals. As such, most of the battle is about being aware.
You need to be confident in public and look ‘less novice’ so you do not look like a complete stranger (though you are). Be casual and do not make eye contact with suspicious people. These Pickpockets thieves are so smart, they can tell by your body language that you are confused and new to this place, so they will always approach you and try to confuse you.
They could be polite for the sake of ending up believing them. But the key is to remain confident. It is extremely rare for people to be physically hurt, the thieves do not hurt the victim, and anyone who is a victim of a theft is advised not to chase the thief and not try to recover items but go straight to the police station and seek help.

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Take Precautions
You should not be keeping anything else in your pocket or bag, than the stuff you are willing to lose. Yes, keep only a little amount of cash and avoid keeping cards, checkbooks, and any expensive jewelry. You should never keep your passport in a bag or wallets while roaming around the city, it could be a reason of grief for you.
The places you are most likely to be robbed are crowded places like the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, and the Champs-Elysées. According to research, these thieves and Pickpockets commonly work near tourist attractions like museums, monuments, restaurants, hotels, beaches, trains, train stations, airports, subways, and target vehicles. They are mostly people who have non- local license plates. Adolescents because it is hard to get minors jailed there. They could also be in groups of boys and girls belonging to all races.
Very importantly, make copies of your passport, visa, and credit card numbers. Put these in your main bags and luggage, so that if the originals are robbed or stolen, you still have all the information for insurance and changing purposes.
Street Harassment In Paris
Sadly, abuse and street harassment prevail in every country. But Paris being the biggest destination for tourists, happens to have the most cases of street harassment. It is a culture in France that has been ignored for a long time.
According to a study, a woman out of two has been subjected to harassment. Men in France are not as polite as in UK or US, they whistle at you, weirdly stare, and you are going to notice this as soon as you arrive there. People comment at you more in general, and that is kind of annoying. And if unluckily you end up being in the notorious area of Paris, there is a chance of you being chased up or asked by a random French for your number, so be careful.
ATM Scams
Not to terrify you, but if you are a tourist and looking to withdraw some cash out from ATM, you need to be very careful, especially if you see a group of young people roaming around. They can be a big scam. Many young people try to confuse people at ATM, especially by making loud noises, or they will randomly start talking to you. You have to be very careful. Appear to be confident and bit rude to them, so they back off. Do not talk to people at ATM. Otherwise, you are going to be regretting soon. Also, do not go alone if you are new to the city.
Fake Taxi
Not that kind, boys! I am talking about overcharging, of course. When you land in the city, you are going to get many offers from people, offering you a ride to the central city at a cheaper rate; Ubers and taxis are quite expensive in Paris. But you should not hop into any car without inquiry.
These scams offer you cheaper rates, but at the arrival, ask you for double money, and you are going to get confused. Always ask the driver for their names and license. Also, do research before hopping into any taxi, because you can end up giving out a lot of money. The trick is that you need to see taxi signs, if there are no signs, say NO.
It is advisable not to hire a battered or damaged car. And avoid taking cars that do not have meters. Do avoid drivers that are trying to be overfriendly.
Stick to Public Transport
If you are staying in Paris for more than two weeks, it is advisable you only book public transport because taxis and Ubers are expensive. So you invest in public transport as they are cheaper and safer. There are many short-term passes to travel in public transport which can help tourists.
>>Also Read: Public Transport Guide For Paris
Gold Ring Scam
It is a very common scam in the French capital. When you are roaming around the city, you are probably going to hear the tinkle of metal ring coated in gold color hitting the ground. You are going to get confused, but when you turn around, a lady, who is basically a scam, is going to ask you about the ring, and you are probably going to say that it is not yours.
But that lady insists people take that ring saying that it is for lucky charm or that your better half would like it. And when you agree to take the ring, she demands money and says that you have bought it; and now you are paying for it. Be careful.
>>Also Read: Most Common Tourist Scams And How To Avoid Them
Fake Charity Collection Groups
You are going to meet these unscrupulous groups close to the Eiffel Tower and in most of the touristy areas. They are undoubtedly con artists. If somebody demands money on the spot, walk away. That is not how one collects for charity.
Legitimate charity collectors ask for contact details and gather information but do not put you on the spot and embarrass in public. These fake charity collectors often pretend to be gathering charity for deaf and mute, so you cannot question their authenticity. They are known to operate heavily in areas frequented by tourists.
Be Careful Around Protests
Parisians are very expressive when it comes to their political ideologies; they do not hold it back. So you got to know if there are any protests going on the place you are planning to go. The situations can sometimes go out of hand, like burning vehicles, etc.
Travel With Tour Groups
It is always good to travel with tour groups. The authentic groups will help you manage everything during your stay in Paris. They are the experts who are experienced in helping visitors settle and enjoy the city.
Also, these groups make sure you are aware of every scam and any other thing that can happen.
Perhaps you have always wanted to visit Paris or France, but worry that you will not be able to make yourself understood in the city or find your way. A tour group led by a guide that speaks French fluently can be an excellent way to see your dream city. Your tour guide knows the local area better than you do and can give you tips for the best time there.
Be Aware Of Your Surroundings While Sitting In Cafes
When you are sitting at a café- most commonly when you are sitting outside of the café or any cheap shop- someone will randomly come to you with a big paper map to ask you about getting directions to someplace, just to confuse you. You can be sure that after you are done talking to that stranger, all the valuables on the table and around are gone and had been robbed.
This is a very common trick to steal mobiles and digital stuff from locals and travelers. It is most preferable to sit inside the café, and you might want to avoid going to cafes, which look cheaper or unpopular as these petty thieves mostly appear in those places where there is less or no security.
Metro Stations
It is very hard to avoid unpleasant experiences while you are at a station in Paris because it is a place where a lot of random people are going to approach you. Mostly at the metro station, people pretend to be official and ask you for your information.
They can also appear with badges, so it is very hard to acknowledge them. They will ask you to buy a bogus ticket or a cheaper ticket, and obviously, want you to pay them. Always go to the ticket teller behind glass or research online. Many people fall prey to these scams because they look legit.
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The Moulin Rouge
The Moulin Rouge is on drag with a lot of sordid and debauched areas, sex shops, etc. Although this place is usually active and busy with tourists, there are fewer chances of any crime or inconvenience to occur for the visitors as the area is quite safe – in terms of violent crime, but yeah quite weird and tacky.
It is advisable to avoid going to that place. It is maybe not as swanky as other places. You can shop at the grocery store across the street in the basement, and there are many well-dressed Parisians there, so you can get inspiration for your looks during the stay.

Friendship Bracelets
Bracelet scams are common in Paris. That feels unbelievable, but with a bit of foreknowledge, you will be amazingly prepared to deal with this common scam in the city. What happens? There is a random person on a crowded street that approaches you or even before talking to you, forcefully ties a friendship bracelet to your hand, and then the obvious, ask you to pay for it. You have to be careful in crowded areas because they often prey on the unaware.
Health Precautions
Diseases That Are Common in Paris
The most common disease there are Insect borne diseases which include zika, chikungunya (in Saint Martin, Saint Barthelemy), dengue, leishmaniasis, Lyme disease, tick-borne encephalitis, and West Nile virus, you need to do good research on these diseases. The other diseases that can prey on you are food and water-borne diseases, which can cause diarrhea and schistosomiasis. Because there are lots of animals and pets in the city, animal-borne diseases are also common, which are rabies and measles.
How to Stay Safe from These Diseases in Paris
Get sufficient travel insurance as Emergency health services can cost you a lot. But insurers can make complex manipulative arrangements to get you the best of medical treatment as fast as possible.
You should also consider vaccinations, especially the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine, diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis vaccine, varicella (chickenpox) vaccine, polio vaccine, flu shot.
Prevent Insect Bites:
You can always wear protective clothing, jackets, jeans, etc. Also, use insect repellents, insecticide-treated bed/cot nets, that you can buy from nearby, snap-in insecticides. Avoid wooded and grass areas with high bushes.
Food Safety
Practice better hygiene when you are traveling (e.g., washing hands with hand sanitizer). Always try to drink purified bottled water or water that has been cleaned and boiled. Try to avoid unpasteurized or unpurified dairy products while traveling. Also, avoid ice cubes, uncooked, and under-cooked food.
Emergency Numbers of Note in Paris
The following numbers can all be dialed free of cost from any mobile/cell in France and from payphones, if available. In any sort of emergency or assault, dial these numbers;
For any Medical Emergencies: Dial “15”
For Fire brigade: Dial “18”
To Police: Dial “17”
Drug Info Service: 0 800 23 13 13
AIDS/HIV Info Service: 0 800 840 800
Poison treatment center: 01 40 05 48 48
Sexually-transmitted diseases: 01 40 78 26 00
SOS Médecins (doctors): 01 47 07 77 77
Dentaire (dentists): 01 43 37 51 00
Burns (Hôpital Cochin): 01 58 41 41 41
>>Also Read: Paris Travel Guide
Pharmacies in the Capital
Paris city has numerous and huge numbers of pharmacies in the main city, which can be easily identified by their green crosses, which are lighting up. Many French pharmacists speak global languages like English and can provide you with instant and over-the-counter medications such as painkillers or cough reliever. Paris does not have USA styled drugstores, so you will have to go to a pharmacy for instant and emergency medication.
Embassy Numbers and Contact Details:
When traveling abroad, including Paris, it is always a smart idea to have your country’s embassy contact details on the phone or wherever you feel convenient. If you run into any problem, the first thing to do is replace a lost or stolen passport, or experience other emergencies. You can consult to the embassies for all the details.
Survival and Safety Tips for Paris
- Never put anything valuable in your pockets, keep everything valuable and pricy in front of you, be aware all the time.
- If you are in escalator and it stops, if anyone insists you to help you with your luggage, decline that politely, do not trust anyone.
- If someone comes up to you and ask you to sign any petition, decline that. Do not buy anything in the middle of the street.
- Whenever you are roaming around the city, travel with as little cash as possible.
- Do not engage with groups of young Parisian teenagers, because they could be disrespectful and can embarrass you in public.
- Do not have your camera and phone out in metro stations.
- Stick to public transport, avoid spending too much money on transportation, because it is expensive in Paris.
- Try to blend as much as possible. This means you should try to look like a long-time resident, try to dress like locals.
- Do not give money to the beggars. While some are genuinely in need, but sadly most of the beggars on the street are scams.
- You do not have to be nice to everyone. If you are feeling uncomfortable, you have the right to leave, without feeling guilty about that.
- Do not consume a lot of alcohol because you do not want to be lethargic in a city where pickpockets are common.
- There are a lot of flirtatious locals in the city; be aware of them, do not make them feel welcome if you don’t want to.
- Do not travel alone there because this romantic city can make you feel alone and miserable.
- Paris is a beautiful and statistically safe city, and one can travel there alone as well, but you always have to take precautions.
Paris Safety Tips – Summary
These pieces of advice have not given to terrify you but to prepare you for a pleasant and safe experience tour and stay in Paris, so your safety would not be compromised. Paris is generally a cool city, but no visitor can be ever careful enough.
Do you have any other Safety Tips For Paris you would like to share? Let our readers know in the comments below.