What is Corsica Famous For
The astonishing Corsica is an island in France situated in the Mediterranean Sea, just southeast of the county and west of Italy. With its magnificent seaside scenery, and full of lush forests, and picturesque mountains, the island has rightfully earned the appellation, ‘Island of Beauty’. Visitors will see beautiful port towns, and the hillsides are full of attractive villages.
The island offers enough things to thoroughly keep tourists busy. It is even an Eden for hikers, beach lovers, and outdoor sports aficionados. Corsica has some of the continent’s most inviting landscapes and a thousand kilometers shoreline with clear waters that are great for water sports.
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Here What Corsica Is Famous For:

Napoleon Bonaparte is the most famous son of the city of Ajaccio that happens to be the capital of the island. Amazing views of the sea can be enjoyed from different parts of the town. The Place de Gaulle is located in the center of the city. It is a big square with the general’s horseman statue that was made by Viollet le-Duc in 1865.
The Maison Bonaparte is another highlight on the Napoleon trail. This place is where Napoleon was born, and it showcases memorabilia, portraits, and family documents, and a gallery dedicated to the general at the Musée des Beaux-Arts (Palais Fesch).
The city’s old town is appealing as well. When you visit, explore its historic lure in the twisting and tapered streets. A major sight here is the 1500s Cathédrale d’Ajaccio, where in 1771, the general was baptized. The sanctuary’s most laudable piece of work is Eugene Delacroix’s La Vierge au Sacré Cour painting.
>>Also Read: Things To Do In Ajaccio

Seating on a steep limestone cliff, Bonifacio is a well-maintained town that offers something distinct from every other place in Corsica. Filled with a type of soothing atmosphere, the town is a cluster of medieval lanes, and at its center is the 1100s to 1200s Romanesque church called Eglise Sainte-Marie-Majeure which has Gothic elements as well. Eglise Saint-Dominique is another place worth visiting. It boasts of a simple interior and an austere façade.
The town is situated within Réserve Naturelle des Bouches de Bonifacio, the island’s largest nature reserve that is encircled by seaside grottos, limestone cliffs, and the Lavezzi Islands. Close to the town are many graceful beaches. Just a ferry ride away, the port of Sante Teresa di Gallura in Sardini is another spot within easy reach of the town.

In a glorious Mediterranean setting, the town of Calvi impresses visitors with its marina and a long swath of stunning beaches along Calvi’s Bay. Apart from swimming, sunbathing, a timeout at outdoor cafes, its old citadel is the highlight of this place. Capping a rock that looks over the sea and encircled by large fortifications, the sanctuary is a little covered world of tapered lanes, historic buildings, and pedestrian staircases.
In the citadel, the Cathédrale of Saint-Jean-Baptiste typifies traditional Baroque architecture. Calvi is also popular for its jazz festival that takes place in the summer. The event attracts top musical to strut their stuff.

For tourists who desire to feel the real Corsica, this bubbling seaside town is definitely the place to visit. Bastia boasts of a beautiful harbor and Terra Vecchia (a quaint old town) with tightly crammed houses and tapered lanes. In the Terra Vecchia, there are many important churches to see: the 1600s Eglise Saint-Jean-Baptise is the largest church on the Island; the Chapelle Saint-Roch that looks over the delightful Mediterranean Waters and the Baroque Chapelle de I’Immaculée conception. There is an old citadel from 1378 located on a craggy spur to the harbor’s south.
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Cap Corse

At Corsica’s northernmost tip is the Cap Corse peninsula. It is one of the island’s most charming areas. The peninsula is covered by different fertile valleys and foothills. Marking the landscape are medieval villages like Pino on a wooded hilltop, Rogliano that is a collection of old fishing ports, and Nonza, which is attached to a Cliffside. Rogliano encircles Erbalunga close to Bastia. Centuri a functional harbor, and Macinaggio with a yacht marina.
Among the highlights on the Cap Corse peninsula is the Plage de Farinole. The attractive sandy beach has an elaborate shore with lots of space for sunbathers. The beach is not too good for swimmers because of the undercurrent. However, surfers love the waves. You can rent surfboards anytime. Another attraction in the Plage de Farinole is the beach’s restaurant.
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Poised like an eagle’s nest atop a granite at close to 500 m, the fortified town of Sant’Antonino offers amazing vistas of the nearby sea and countryside. In the full Balagne area, Sant’Antonino is one of Corsica’s oldest villages, with a Moorish influence from the 9th-century. Owning to its ancient lure, Sant’Antonino has joined the list of France’s most beautiful villages (Plus Beaux Villages). Tourists will be particularly delighted by the medieval network of twisting cobblestone streets, covered passageways, and alleyways that make the village much special.
Just about 7 km from the village, in between the sea and snowcapped mountains, the Couvent Saint-Dominique de Corbara is a paradise of bliss. It is located in the abundant hillside with astonishing views.

Sartène boasts of being the most authentic city in Corsica. This medieval town is also on the list of City of Art and History (Ville d’Art et d’Histoire) given its deep-rooted heritage. The highlight here includes the Eglise Santa-Maria-Assunta, with plain façade akin to churches in Corsica; L’Echauguette (tower) that gives incredible views of the Vallée de Rizzanese; the Place du Maghju, a center of artisan boutiques, and the old Palais des Gouverneurs Génois that now serve as the Town Hall.
Domaine Rosa de Caldane is just 15 km away from Sartène. It is a thermal bath facility with a restaurant and hotel. Yearly, the Sartène comes to live and celebrates the Carnaval de Sartène every spring. This festival features musical entertainment, parades, and a masked ball. On Good Friday, the town also hosts a yearly religious procession called the ‘Catenacciu’ where the events of the Passion of Christ are reenacted.
Beaches Close to Porto Vecchio

Some of the island’s amazing sandy beaches are not far from Porto Vecchio. That is why the area remains busy for most of the year. Plage de Palombaggia is the most popular beach here. It is famous for its broad sandy shore and tranquil turquoise waters. The Plage de Santa Giulia is another great sand beach. These beaches are lagoons that offer a protected environment that is perfect for swimming.
Not far from there is the less crowded Plage de Rondinara. It is an enchanting sandy beach situated on the Rondinara Bay. The incredibly clear waters at the beach boast of considerable tropical quality.
Visitors can visit the Porto Vecchio town as well to see its inviting ancient citadel. In the 1500s, the Genoese built this imposing sanctuary with strong fortifications that are well preserved. In the citadel are numerous atmospheric tapered alleyways, quiet squares, and covered passageways. Many shops and restaurants are located close to the Place de la République.
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>>Things To Do in Porto Vecchio
>>Watersports in Porto Vecchio
In the Balagne area, the secured medieval village of Belgodère perch on a hill’s slopes close to the coast. The hill is capped with ruins of a 14th-century chateau that looks over the landscape. Unbelievable scenic of the Vallee du Reginu and the sea are also featured in different parts of the village.
Visitors will love the stroll around Belgodère’s twisting streets, reclining at an open-air café, and unearthing the village’s famous specialties, including gorgeously small chapels.
What is Corsica Famous For – Summary
You must have been hearing about how splendid the Corsican culture is. Take your interest further by booking your Corsica ticket because you will be amazed at the unique offerings there. As a tourist, you will be particularly moved by the Mediterranean vibe, Corsican lure, and the Southern French charm that will all be served in abundance. Check out these featured famous things in Corsica. You will discover that there is much more to France than Paris.
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